Te Taitimu Trust
Kaupapa Maori prevention for rangatahi Maori comprising wananga to build resilience, confidence & leadership and outreach navigational support for participating rangatahi & their whanau. More info Phone Zack – 0274 950 060
Kaupapa Maori prevention for rangatahi Maori comprising wananga to build resilience, confidence & leadership and outreach navigational support for participating rangatahi & their whanau. More info Phone Zack – 0274 950 060
Te Poutama Tautoko is a team that specialises in drug or alcohol addiction therapies for ages 17-plus. It’s free, confidential, and available in Napier, Hasting and Central Hawke’s Bay. To speak to a counsellor, phone 0800 TAIWHENUA
Social service, abuse and violence support, kaupapa Maori. Offer counselling, home based support, life skills, parenting, supported bail, budgeting etc More info Phone – 06 879 9495
Services such as Aukati, Kai Paipa, family start, healthy lifestyles, kaipiki teora, outreach immunisation, dental education, tamariki ora & whānau ora, Kia Piki Te Ora suicide prevention support (Māori) 06 835 1840 Website
Services such as family health, dental health, disability service, child injury prevention, youth suicide, drug & alcohol support, mental health services. Website Phone – 06 871 5350
Charitable trust supporting families affected by suicide. Provides information, support and holds events as an opportunity to talk and share freely with others who have also been affected. Website Phone – 027 286 4071
Social Work– Whānau Support Services– Care Services– Youth Development– Caregiver / Caregiving More info 06 843 1590
Te Whare Whānau Pūrotu is dedicated to supporting Māori women and families in Hawke’s Bay to live violence-free. We provide confidential services tailored to your needs, including:– 24/7 Crisis Line 0800 REFUGE (0800 733843)– Safe housing for Wahine and Tamariki– Kaimahi to support you in your home and community– Whānau Protect Home Safety Services More
24 hour support line. For those affected by family violence. Helps keep victims safe whether leaving or remaining in their relationship and provides temporary accommodation where necessary. HASTINGS – 06 878 9519 NAPIER – 06 843 6515 Website
Government agency for the care & protection of children, including child abuse & neglect of children & children involved in criminal behaviour until the age of 17. 0800 FAMILY Website